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Tag: Agile

Insights > Agile

Agile, Kanban, Scrum

Effective Use of Constraints: Scrum vs. Kanban

In the first post in this series, I introduced the concept of Complex Adaptive Systems...

Agile, Agile Requirements, Business Analysis

Story Map vs Product Roadmap

Story maps and product roadmaps are common tools used by Agile teams; however, these are...

Agile, Best Practices, Culture, Scrum

The Agile Mindset: Being Before Doing

Is your organization Agile? When we ask this question to organizations we often hear that,...

Agile, Agile Business Analysis, Agile Requirements, Business Analysis, Scrum

Can a Business Analyst be a ScrumMaster?

When teams are new to Agile, they identify who can fill the ScrumMaster role. Often,...

Agile, Agile Requirements, Business Analysis

Why Are Requirements Important to Agile?

The Agile Manifesto has 4 key value statements. Individuals and Interaction over Process and Tools...

Agile, Project Management

Measuring Progress: EVM or Velocity?

There are many advocates in the world that state Earned Value Management (EVM) is the...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Meet the Experts, Software Development

Meet the Experts: Tony Solomita

In the first installment of “Meet the Experts,” Excella’s Agile Practice Lead Tony Solomita talks...

Agile, Kanban, Product Management

What is Kanban?

This post is co-authored by Excella Agile experts Paul Boos and Ken Furlong.  Ken will...

Agile, Business Analysis

3 Common Misconceptions about Business Process Analysis

I was talking to a colleague about the basic skills every Business Analyst should possess....

Agile, DevOps, Software Development

A DevOps Mindset

In our previous blog we learned about Lean Discovery and Agile Delivery practices and techniques...

Agile, DevOps, Kanban, Tools

Improving DevOps Flow with Kanban

We’re a relatively small team of engineers at Excella focused on developing, improving, and maintaining...

Agile, Lean Discovery

Using Lean Discovery to Manage the Ultimate Risk: Building the Wrong Thing

In previous posts, I described how Lean Discovery incorporates concepts from Lean Startup and Lean...