Tag: Agile
Effective Use of Constraints: Scrum vs. Kanban
In the first post in this series, I introduced the concept of Complex Adaptive Systems...
Story maps and product roadmaps are common tools used by Agile teams; however, these are...
The Agile Mindset: Being Before Doing
Is your organization Agile? When we ask this question to organizations we often hear that,...
Can a Business Analyst be a ScrumMaster?
When teams are new to Agile, they identify who can fill the ScrumMaster role. Often,...
Why Are Requirements Important to Agile?
The Agile Manifesto has 4 key value statements. Individuals and Interaction over Process and Tools...
Measuring Progress: EVM or Velocity?
There are many advocates in the world that state Earned Value Management (EVM) is the...
Meet the Experts: Tony Solomita
In the first installment of “Meet the Experts,” Excella’s Agile Practice Lead Tony Solomita talks...
This post is co-authored by Excella Agile experts Paul Boos and Ken Furlong. Ken will...
3 Common Misconceptions about Business Process Analysis
I was talking to a colleague about the basic skills every Business Analyst should possess....
In our previous blog we learned about Lean Discovery and Agile Delivery practices and techniques...
Improving DevOps Flow with Kanban
We’re a relatively small team of engineers at Excella focused on developing, improving, and maintaining...
Using Lean Discovery to Manage the Ultimate Risk: Building the Wrong Thing
In previous posts, I described how Lean Discovery incorporates concepts from Lean Startup and Lean...