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Tag: Agile

Insights > Agile

Agile, Cybersecurity, Security, Software Development

3 Ways to Keep Security at the Center of Agile Development

Agile software development has many benefits, including the opportunity for developers to iterate and be...

Agile, Security, Software Development

3 Tips to Prioritize Security in Your Agile Software Development

As companies mature, adaptability and speed tend to give way to hierarchy and a slower...

Agile, Cybersecurity, DevOps, Security, Software Development

Integrating Cybersecurity into Agile Development and DevOps

The software development landscape is constantly evolving, driven by the need for efficient, secure, and...

Agile, Business Analysis, Women in Technology

Excella Innovators: Mindy Bohannon

Meet Mindy Bohannon, Agile Analyst and Xpert on our Innovation team. Mindy sat down with...

Agile, Agile Business Analysis, User Experience

Excella Innovators: Emily Gardner

Meet Emily Gardner: Engagement Manager at Excella. Emily talks about what made her switch to...

Agile, Kaizen, Project Management

Excella Innovators: James Greene Jr.

Meet James Greene: Capabilities Lead and Project Management Lead Consultant. James talks about his consulting...

Agile, Angular, Excellian Highlight, Tech Tips, Tech Trends

Excella Innovators: Doguhan Uluca

Meet Doguhan Doguhan Uluca is a Technical Fellow and Managing Consultant at Excella, a best-selling...

Agile, Agile Transformation, Team Stability, Tech Tips, virtual teams

Shift Happens: 4 Ways Team Leaders Can Stay Agile When Team Composition Changes

Team stability is a key factor in successful Agile teams. However, maintaining stability isn’t always...

Agile, Agile at Scale, Culture, Excellian Highlight, Women in Technology

Excella Innovators: Nicole Spence-Goon

When Scaling Meets Collective Agile Experience, Transformation Happens  You may know Agile Coach and Lead Consultant, Nicole Spence-Goon, from her “3...

Agile, Artificial Intelligence, Business Analysis, Machine Learning

Understanding Your Business Needs Before Building AI

Use an Agile Approach to Define Business Needs & Develop an Effective ML Strategy  ...

Agile, Agile Scaling, Agile Transformation, Project Management

3 Factors for Agile Scaling Success

Scaling Agility can conjure many ideas in your head, but what does that really mean?...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Agile Transformation

Picking the Right Type of Agile Coach For Your Needs 

When you think of the term “Agile Coach” your first thought might be someone who...

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